
Tangle Art Workshop for kids & family (possible in Dutch)

zaterdag 23 maart 2024 , 10:00 - 12:00 uur

Tangle Art is based on the sequence/repetition of simple strokes that form a pattern. It is not necessary to be a professional artist. If you can draw a line or even a dot on paper, you are able to create structured patterns and, from there, build interesting images. Similar to doodling, Tangle Art allows lines and shapes to flow naturally for greater, free artistic expression. Tangle Art is easy to do, expands your imagination, and is relaxing and fun. It also brings several benefits to mental health, helping to improve concentration and attention and to reduce stress and anxiety. And, most importantly, it activates your creativity and keeps it moving. In this workshop, kids and family will  build beautiful images from simple and complex Tangle Art patterns.

Broedplaats Baggerbeest
Kosten toelichting
€30 p.p.
Iedereen (alle leeftijden)
Vanaf 6 jaar
Omschrijving doelgroep 
Kids (up to 6 years old) and/or kids accompanied by an adult.
maximum aantal deelnemers
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