
Creative Workshop - Tangle Art & Pattern Design

zaterdag 1 juni 2024 , 10:00 - 13:00 uur

Join the artists Raquel Diniz and Naomi Vona for a fun and relaxing morning filled with art and creativity!
They will join forces to help you out in creating abstract pattern designs.
This event will be the perfect fusion between Raquel's workshop Tangle Art and Naomi's workshop called Abstract Pattern Design, where they will share with you their experience and all the useful tips in this creative exercise.
Read below some insights about what to expect.

Tangle Art
Tangle Art is based on the sequence/ repetition of simple strokes that create a pattern. It is easy to do, relaxing and fun, and expands the imagination. It also brings several benefits to mental health, helping to improve concentration and attention and to reduce stress and anxiety. In this workshop, you will build interesting images from simple and complex Tangle Art patterns.”

Abstract Pattern Design
The artist will give you tips on making pattern cards files, perfect to stack together and take out when needed.  They will also share some useful info to “create rules” in order to remember a specific pattern. Pattern cards can be useful as a reference for future art projects, especially when we need some inspiration and new ideas. Moreover, we can also make small variants of our designs, enriching our database.

Can't wait to create art with you! :)

Factor IJ
Kosten toelichting
€65 p.p.
Alle volwassenen
maximum aantal deelnemers
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